Individual Training - Zaremba Academy

    Individual Training

  • Localisation:
    Bydgoszcz, Chełmżyńska 12
  • Price:

  • Data:
If you can not come to us in the date we suggest please order the individual date. The training can be carried out in our place (academy) or in your salon. Our trainings fit to small and bigger audience.  There are two parts of training – before the noon the educator presents hairdressing techniques, in the afternoon there is a practical part – participants make the hairstyles on their own.

It is the ideal solution for salon’s owner who want to increase competences of his hair-stylists.

Price: 3000 zł. Per day

In case of longer training - the price is determine individually.

Note: Up to 150 km journey is for free. More than 150 km from Bydgoszcz you need to add journey and accommodation costs .